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Annie Selak is a lay minister in the Roman Catholic Church and specializes in the question of young adults and vocation in the modern world.

Tuesday, November 05, 2013

You Know You’re in the Ignatian Family When…

The Jesuit Post recently ran an article “You Know You’re a Jesuit When…” by the always wonderful Fr. James Martin.  I thought it would be hilarious to expand this to all of us who live in the Jesuit world (and thereby use words like “informatio” on a regular basis), yet clearly are not Jesuits. 

I present to you, “You Know You’re in the Ignatian Family When…”

1. Your favorite pastime is the “Name all the Jesuit Colleges and Universities” game.  You even have a strategy that you argue is best, i.e.: Start with the Loyolas, go west to east.  And, you pride yourself on the fact that when you name “LeMoyne,” everyone else looks at you in astonishment.

2. James Martin and Jon Sobrino constitute “Jesuit Royalty” in your eyes, and you probably have an embarrassing story about freaking out when you met them.

3.  At some point, your email signature has been “Go forth and set the world on fire,” “Fall in love, stay in love, and it will decide everything” or a Hopkins quote.

4. Even though it is overused, you still tear up every time you hear Pedro Arrupe’s prayer, “On the Love of God.” And you have it posted in your house somewhere. And probably include it in at least 85% of the talks that you give.

5. You also know the “secret” access code to the majority of Jesuit residences.  But, you have good enough boundaries not to use them.

6. You have a favorite Jesuit residence, a favorite item on the menu, and a favorite place to sit during social.

7. You wish that you had a cloth napkin at the Jesuit Residence that you frequent the most.

8. November 16, the Feast of the UCA Martyrs, is a solemn day for you.  You mark it in a variety of ways: prayer, liturgy and of course, a facebook post.

Because why wouldn't you have a picture with Father General?
9.  When you mention that you went on a silent retreat to someone not in the Ignatian family, they look at you like you have 3 heads.  When you mention that you really want to do a 30-day silent retreat, they have no way to process what you are talking about.  You hope that one day you’ll have a break in your work schedule that will allow you to complete the exercises.  Also, when you hear “the exercises,” you think of Ignatius, not Richard Simmons.

10. You get irrationally upset when people think that Notre Dame is a Jesuit school.

11. Words like solidarity, consolation, desolation and indifference are commonplace in your lexicon.  It’s not unheard of for you to call a friend and say, “Let’s grab a drink.  I’m experiencing some desolation today.” (via Katie Bignell).

12. There are four letters that guide your life: AMDG. 

1 comment:

Stedwards said...

This is SO GREAT.