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Annie Selak is a lay minister in the Roman Catholic Church and specializes in the question of young adults and vocation in the modern world.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Future of Women Religious

I was recently quoted in National Catholic Reporter regarding the role of lay ministry and the future of women religious.  Sandra Schneiders, IHM, is one of my idols and a former professor.  I jumped at the chance to hear what she had to say on this topic, even if it was early on a Saturday morning.  

Here is my quote:

Not all in the audience were religious. A group of rectors from the University of Notre Dame who work with religious women agreed with Schneiders’ analysis of the need for laity and religious women to collaborate.
“For me, being a lay minister, I’m conscious of not wanting to be a replacement for religious life,” said Annie Selak, 28

The entire article can be found here

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